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The Treatment

sci-fipsychological thriller

As I sat in the dimly lit room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. The last thing I remembered was engaging in a heated argument with my therapist, Dr. Lee, about my lingering anxiety issues. And now, here I was, strapped down to a chair, surrounded by metal bars and restraints. Dr. Lee's stern voice echoed through the room, \You need to learn to control your emotions, Sarah. You're holding yourself back with every passing day. Today, we're going to work on that.\ She injected me with a sedative, and before I knew it, I was floating into a trance-like state. And then it began - the CB gem stimulation, the electrical impulses coursing through my brain, rewiring my thoughts and emotions. I felt myself relax, the anxiety seeping away, replaced by a sense of calm and clarity. Dr. Lee's words echoed once more, \Remember, Sarah, this is for your own good.\ And when the treatment ended, I felt reborn, ready to take on the world once more.