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The Lost Memories


Jungkook and his wife Yuna, successful businesspeople, had twin sons who were ten years older than their sweet but neglected daughter, Y/N. From a young age, Y/N tried to gain love from her family, but was repeatedly rebuffed. Her father, a timid and fearful person, couldn't help but cower to the influence of Jungkook's mother, who believed that daughters brought shame. As a result, Y/N was neglected, and even her nannies abused her. After Jungkook's mother passed away when Y/N was ten, her parents began to realize their mistakes, but it was too late. One day, while walking home from school, Y/N had an accident and fell into a coma. Against all odds, she was saved, but her memories disappeared. Now, Jungkook and Yuna had a second chance to make it right and find a way to love their daughter.