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The Vampire Takeover


The sun had long since set on Oakwood High, casting a dark and foreboding shadow over the campus. Students had left for the day, unaware of the terror that was to come. As the principal locked the doors, a chill ran down her spine. She had received a mysterious letter earlier that day, warning her of a takeover. Suddenly, the lights flickered and the blinds slid open, revealing the vampires lurking outside. Within minutes, the hallways were awash with the undead. They glided silently down the corridors, their eyes fixed on the fleeing students. Panic set in as teachers and students alike barricaded themselves into classrooms, praying for dawn. But the vampires were relentless, determined to claim the school as their own. As the night wore on, the screams of the frightened and the moans of the defeated filled the creaking halls, and Oakwood High became the domain of the damned.